Industrial Touch Screen | UICO
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Industrial Touch Screen : Celebrating Our greatest accomplishments in 2022

2022 was a challenging year for UICO. In some way it felt a lot like the Bill Murray movie Ground Hog Day. Each morning my alarm rings at 6:00am and I begin my day dealing with chip shortages, covid outbreaks, factory closures, and logistics issues which lead to manufacturing push-outs and shipment delays. The industrial touch screen market had a lot in common with other business struggles during this time.

industrial touch screens

Like the movie, I have grown to love the team I work with and see their level of enthusiasm and excitement grow as we meet every challenge.

2022 was about launching our larger touchscreen sizes, which we now have available in up to 65”. We also launched our first UL certified outdoor touchscreen, a 23.8 inch round touchscreen and a custom touch surface for the automotive space.

We have added additional members to the operations, engineering, sales, and finance team to continuously offer our UICO Elementals of Flawless Performance, High Touch Service and Standardized Solutions. I am excited to recently welcome Basman Dahleh as UICO's Chief Technology Officer. Basman brings thirty plus years of engineering experience and specializes in growing and scaling engineering teams.

2022 was also about giving back. We launched a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe to support our Ukrainian Business Development Team. UICO raised over $25,000 to help relocate team members stranded in Kiev. We felt it was important that we do our small part to speak out against aggression, and support Ukrainian sovereignty.

A special thanks to our customer and partner base for working closely with the UICO team to prioritize shipments, escalating orders to our IC suppliers, and sharing information across the supply chain. The good news as we move into 2023 is that the worldwide chip shortage seems to be abating with large deliveries over the final months of 2022.

It certainly has been another eventful year, and historic in many ways. We hope you stay healthy & safe over this holiday season and take time to relax and re-energize in the company of family and friends.


Doug Monieson, CEO


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